MEMORANDUM 12-04 Series of 2018

TO:                  EVELYN L. ALEGRE, School Directress

                        CYNIE A. ALEGRE, School Coordinator

                        JOY V. CHATTO, QMS Officer


FROM:             EDGAR N. ALEGRE, Executive Director/GAITF President

SUBJECT:         Mandatory Submission of Monthly Assessment Reports

DATE: December 8, 2018



It is important for student progress to be consistently evaluated and reported in relation to curricular outcomes. Information derived from the fair assessment and evaluation of students provides valuable information on the students’ success in relation to curriculum expectations and identifies areas of strength and challenges at the students, school, district education authority, divisional education authority, and territory-wide level. Classroom assessment plays an important role in student achievement. Classroom assessment is the process of gathering evidence of what a student knows, understands, and is able to do. It can also help to identify students' learning needs.

Teachers set specific criteria based on learning outcomes and expected levels of performance to evaluate students’ learning. These criteria form the basis for evaluating and reporting student progress.  Teachers use their insight, knowledge about learning, and experience with students, along with the specific criteria they establish, to make judgments about student performance in relation to prescribed learning outcomes for each subject or course and grade. Aside from facilitating learning, it is indeed a need for Faculties and Class advisers to evaluate their students, to make sure that the School’s Objectives being set are carefully addressed. And so, you are advised to SUBMIT MONTHLY ASSESSMENT REPORTS after Summative Exams effective January 2019 and every month thereafter.

 Why is there a need to assess our students? Below should be our guide.

  1. To determine if students are learning what they are expected to learn;
  2. To report how well students have achieved curriculum standards at a given point in their schooling; and
  3. Assist schools, authorities, and the territory in monitoring and improving student learning.

Data must be submitted according to this guidance, in an accurate format and on a timely basis, to ensure compliance of the GAITF Policy.

This is for strict compliance.  Any in violation of this policies and GAITF Memo shall be treated as insubordination, negligence of duty, neglect of duty and usurpation of authority. Such action will be treated according to act of omission as caused of action.  Punishment shall be Termination with corresponding criminal action and or civil action.






GAITF President